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Today’s competitive environment demands that your practice keep pace with today’s progressing technology. CertiflexDimension Client Write-up is a recognized leader in innovations that continue to shape the professional accountants’ landscape. If you are tired of learning new software and are ready for your software to start learning from you, look no further. Maybe you simply need a flexible electronic file cabinet to create the ultimate paperless office. Either way, CertiflexDimension Client Write-up is absolutely your very best solution.
Recording day-to-day transactions resulting from your clients' business activity is a key factor in your firms accounting system selection. With CertiflexDimension you can record high volume day-to-day activity and print approved quarterly and year-end tax forms with ease.

Dimension is structured exclusively for use by accounting professionals working with a diverse array of clients. Efficiently accumulating and processing daily transaction data after-the-fact will strengthen your client relationship and free you to pursue additional value-added services.
Timely, accurate and versatile reporting is the cornerstone of CertiflexDimension Client Write-up. Whether you are creating scheduled financial reports or simply accommodating a last minute request, you can always deliver the best and most accurate information on time. In short, you get results when you want with the detail and flexibility you need.

Reports are easily packaged together in a report catalog and emailed or printed for manual distribution. With Dimension Write-up, you are always in absolute control of the entire report creation, generation and distribution process.
Collating and entering client data efficiently is perhaps the most critical issue affecting the success of a write-up practice. Whether you are manually keying transactions or electronically importing from client software, CertiflexDimension data entry is designed for maximum flexibility and speed.

An abundant use of hot-keys and special functions translate to reducing keystrokes and eliminating errors. Using advanced technology, an exclusive 'smart-learn' feature will learn your unique entry style and intuitively complete your entry for you. Simply another way Dimension Write-up will dramatically improve your keystroke efficiency.
The ability to quickly and efficiently exchange information is a must for today's technology driven accounting practice. By employing a wide variety of common, industry standard data exchange tools, Dimension Write-up extends true one-time data entry support to a wealth of financial analysis applications.

Whether you are linking to client software, exporting account detail to your favorite spreadsheet, transferring year-end balances to your tax package or simply emailing a report, you'll find the seamless integration to improve productivity and bottom-line profit.
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